While we’re happy to tout all the features of our software whenever we can, one of the features we’re very excited about is the integrated maps function. This may seem simple, something that takes place on a lot of platforms, but ours is different and beneficial in a few ways (including maps mileage tracking). As businesses change and grow with technology, keeping things simple and straightforward is still paramount to utilizing the technology at hand. It’s easy to pay lip service to the functions of a specific app or piece of software, but to have it perform in a manner that serves to benefit the business is something unto its own.

With that in mind we thought we would walk through one of the greatest features of our appraisal software, which is the integrated maps mileage function, and how it works and how it will benefit your business.

Integrated Maps for Every Appraisal

What makes this an important tool for appraisers is, first and foremost, its ease of use. Having google maps, a tool almost everyone knows how to use, at your disposal for business purposes makes things exceptionally easy. It helps to arrive and schedule appointments and keep everything on track. The program can be connected to the database which will show every property and every appraisal within the system. This takes the hunting and foraging portion of the job out of the equation and puts all the relevant data within reach at all times.

One of the other important functions of the integrated maps are that it makes driving times and distances easy to calculate, therefore saving time and money. Being able to chart routes as well as planning trips based around functionality will maximize an appraisers time and efficiency as no time needs to be wasted searching for the right property. From a business owners’ standpoint, having this function will help to cut down on unnecessary mileage as well as being able to keep track of all appraisers who may out of the office. In a business that moves quite quickly, being able to drill down and maximize efficiency is a great way to stay ahead of the competition and cut costs at the same time.

Track Appraiser Driving Times, Distances and Map Mileage

Appraisers spend a lot of time going from place to place; it’s the nature of the business. Tracking driving times and distances manually can be a real pain, not to mention inaccurate at the best of times. Perhaps the most important feature of the the integrated maps function is its ability to track mileage digitally and automatically! This leaves out inaccuracies and cuts down on travel times between appraisals. Write offs have never been this easy!

From a company standpoint, this will help greatly in cutting down on expenses and being able to track miles and money much more accurately. All of the data will be tracked and be accessible within the software at any time. A central location for accurate data and expenses is something every company needs.

From the appraiser’s view, the integrated maps will not only improve upon drive times, but will simplify the data and records keeping. Keeping many plates spinning at once is certainly part of the job, though having help in a central space where it’s easily located and stored will only make things easier.

Anow Maps Mileage and Utilizes Location Reports

As is the way with any business, there are always opportunities out there that are being missed. Knowing where those opportunities are and how to potentially seize them could be a huge boon to any business. Using the integrated maps and analytics, you can analyze the geographic concentration of your business to find out where you sit in certain localities and neighbourhoods. It will show where there are gaps in your business as well as where there are areas to expand. This is an invaluable tool that can help to expand your business as well as drill down and refine current business in certain areas.

We believe that the integrated maps mileage function in our software is an invaluable tool to any appraisal business. Being able to streamline and speed up the course of business while saving money is the goal of any business. Pair that with the potential to find new opportunities within areas you’re currently operating and suddenly major potential for growth has been realized. One small feature with huge potential; it seems like a no-brainer.

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